


主要研究领域为污水资源化、正渗透技术、膜法水处理技术和水处理新型功能材料的研究与应用。目前已发表SCI论文50余篇,其中以第一/通讯作者身份在Water Research、ACS ES&T Engineering、Journal of Materials Chemistry A、Journal of Hazardous Materials、Chemical Engineering Journal和Bioresource Technology等期刊上发表SCI论文30余篇,全部论文SCI被引1449次,H指数23。授权发明专利20余件,获省部级奖励5项。




2023.06-今 银河galaxy娱乐,副研究员

2020.08-2023.05 山东大学,特别资助类博士后

2019.08-2020.07 清华大学学院,科研助理

2016.03-2016.09 比利时根特大学,生物技术系,联合培养

2013.09-2019.07 清华大学学院,环境工程专业,工学博士,师从黄霞教授

2009.09-2013.07 银河galaxy娱乐,环境工程专业,工学学士


1. 山东省博士后创新人才支持计划项目,研究时间:2021-2024,主持

2. 山东省重大科技创新工程项目“高耗能高污染行业绿色高效清洁生产关键技术集成与应用”,研究时间:2020-2023,课题负责人

3. 山东省自然基金青年项目“太阳能驱动的正渗透技术处理城市污水过程中汲取液浓缩回用行为及机制研究”,研究时间:2022-2024,主持

4. 国家自然基金联合基金重点项目“秸秆木质纤维组分高效绿色分离与重构环保功能材料的协同机制研究”,研究时间:2023-2026,课题负责人

5. 山东省重大科技创新工程项目“多功能移动式水污染应急处置成套装备研发与应用示范”,研究时间:2023-2026,课题负责人

6. 青岛市博士后应用研究项目,研究时间:2021-2024,主持

7. 山东大学博士后日常经费,研究时间:2020-2023,主持

8. 科技部国际科技合作重点专项“基于膜集成系统的污水净化耦合能源回收新型技术”研究时间:2016-2019,参与

9. 科技部国际科技合作项目“基于能源与资源回收的污水处理新工艺的合作研究”,研究时间:2013-2015,参与

10. 国家自然基金面上项目“基于秸秆的三维石墨烯吸附材料的制备、吸油性能和作用机制研究”,研究时间:2020-2023,参与


1. 2022年中国产学研合作创新与促进奖优秀奖“固废基轻质无机生物填料及反应器的产业化应用”(2/10)

2. 2016年中国产学研合作创新成果二等奖“污泥低成本减量化、资源化关键技术与装备”(7/7)

3. 2016年国家教育部技术发明二等奖“基于污泥和工业固体废物的环境友好材料的研制和应用”(4/6)

4. 2015年山东省科学技术二等奖“工业固体废物基环境友好材料-陶粒的研发和应用”(3/6)

5. 2015年国家环境保护科学技术三等奖“固体废物基环保新材料的研制与应用”(4/5)


1. 2022年度山东大学优秀博士后二等奖

2. 2021、2022年度学院优秀博士后

3. 山东省高等学校优秀毕业生

4. 第八届“挑战杯”中国大学生创业计划竞赛金奖

5. 宝钢优秀学生奖

6. 山东省高等学校优秀学生干部

7. 第五届全国大学生节能减排社会实践与科技竞赛二等奖

8. 第四届全国大学生节能减排社会实践与科技竞赛三等奖

9. 第十二届挑战杯大学生学术科技作品竞赛山东省一等奖

10. 第八届“挑战杯”山东省大学生创业计划竞赛山东省特等奖


12. Klaus Toepfer环境创新竞赛全国第四名、比赛三等奖




(1)黄霞,高悦,伍世嘉,梁鹏,张潇源. 一种污水处理装置. ZL 2015 2 1108510.7.

(2)黄霞,高悦,伍世嘉,梁鹏,张潇源. 一种污水处理的方法和装置. CN105481180 B.

(3)岳钦艳,高悦,齐元峰,吴苏清,吴春松,高宝玉. 一种利用DSD酸工业污泥制备轻质陶粒的方法. CN101638312

(4)高宝玉,潘静文,高悦,岳钦艳,以吸附-解析后的废弃吸附剂为原料的催化剂在活化过硫酸盐处理高盐有机废水中应用. ZL 2020 1 1271815.5

(5)岳钦艳,王小娟,高悦,叶新强,齐元峰,高宝玉,祁振。斜板式电镀废水重金属去除装置。专利号:ZL 2011 2 0238310.9


(1)Guo K, Wang Z, Pan J, Liu B, Wang Y, Yue Q,Gao Y*, Gao B*. Highly efficient Al-Ti gel as a coagulant for surface water treatment: Insights into the hydrolysate transformation and coagulation mechanism[J].Water Research,2022, 221: 118826. (IF=13.400)

(2)Gao Y, Zhou R, Yao L, Wang Y, Yue Q, Yu L, Yu J*, Yin W*. Selective capture of Pd (II) from aqueous media by ion-imprinted dendritic mesoporous silica nanoparticles and re-utilization of the spent adsorbent for Suzuki reaction in water[J].Journal of Hazardous Materials,2022: 129249. (IF=14.224)

(3)Gao Y, Zhou R, Yao L, Yin W*, Yu J, Yue Q, Xue Z, He H*, Gao B*. Synthesis of rice husk-based ion-imprinted polymer for selective capturing Cu (II) from aqueous solution and re-use of its waste material in Glaser coupling reaction[J].Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2022, 424: 127203. (IF=14.224)

(4)Gao Y, Yao L, Zhang S,Yue Q, Yin W*. Versatile crosslinking synthesis of an EDTA-modified UiO-66-NH2/cotton fabric composite for simultaneous capture of heavy metals and dyes and efficient degradation of organophosphate[J].Environmental Pollution, 2023, 316: 120622. (IF=9.988)

(5)Gao Y, Fang Z, Chen C, Zhu X, Liang P, Qiu Y, Zhang X, Huang X*. Evaluating the performance of inorganic draw solution concentrations in an anaerobic forward osmosis membrane bioreactor for real municipal sewage treatment[J].Bioresource technology, 2020, 307: 123254. (IF=11.889)

(6)Gao Y, Fang Z, Peng L, Zhang X, Qiu Y, Kimura K, Huang X*. Anaerobic digestion performance of concentrated municipal sewage by forward osmosis membrane: Focus on the impact of salt and ammonia nitrogen[J].Bioresource technology, 2019, 276: 204-210. (IF=11.889)

(7)Gao Y, Fang Z, Peng L, Huang X*. Direct concentration of municipal sewage by forward osmosis and membrane fouling behavior[J].Bioresource Technology, 2018, 247: 730-735. (IF=11.889)

(8)Gao Y, Ma D, Yue Q, Gao B*, Huang X. Effect of powdered activated carbon (PAC) on MBR performance and effluent trihalomethane formation: At the initial stage of PAC addition[J].Bioresource Technology, 2016, 216: 838-844. (IF=11.889)

(9)Zhou Y#,Gao Y#, Wang H, Xia M, Yue Q, Xue Z, Zhu J, Yu J, Yin W*. Versatile 3D reduced graphene oxide/poly (amino-phosphonic acid) aerogel derived from waste acrylic fibers as an efficient adsorbent for water purification[J].Science of The Total Environment, 2021, 776: 145973. (IF=10.753)

(10)Guo K, Wang Z, Wu J, Li W, Liu B, Yue Q,Gao Y*, Gao, B*. Insights into the mechanism of coagulation pretreatment for membrane fouling control from the perspective of organic removal based on a sensitive SEC-DAD-FLD-OCD/OND method[J].ACS ES&T Engineering, 2023,3, 6, 851–861 (IF=7.1)

(11)Wei Y, Kong Y, Yue Q, Dan H, Cheng X, Feng L, Yin W, Gao B,Gao Y*. Magnetic field assisted synthesis of JANUS Fe3C@ Enteromorpha doped graphene aerogels for simultaneous recovery of fresh water and salt in high salinity wastewater[J].Separation and Purification Technology, 2023, 308: 122845. (IF=9.136)

(12)Wang W, Li R, Bu F,Gao Y*, Gao B, Yue Q, Yang M, Li Y. Coagulation and membrane fouling mechanism of Al species in removing humic acid: Effect of pH and a dynamics process analysis[J].Separation and Purification Technology, 2023: 123130. (IF=9.136)

(13)Feng L,Gao Y*, Hou X, Dan H, Wei Y, Yin W, Gao B, Yue Q. Phytic Acid and Graphene Oxide Functionalized Sponge with Special-Wettability and Electronegativity for Oil-in-Water Emulsion Separation in Single-Step[J].Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2022,435:129003 (IF=14.224)

(14)Kong Y#, Zhang S#,Gao Y*, Cheng X, Kong W, Qi Y, Wang S, Yin F, Dai Z, Yue Q, Gao B. Low-temperature carbonization synthesis of carbon-based super-hydrophobic foam for efficient multi-state oil/water separation[J].Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2022, 423: 127064. (IF=14.224)

(15)Wu G, Kong W,Gao Y*, Kong Y, Dai Z, Dan H, Shang Y, Wang S, Yin F, Yue Q, Gao B. Removal of chloramphenicol by sulfide-modified nanoscale zero-valent iron activated persulfate: Performance, salt resistance, and reaction mechanisms[J].Chemosphere, 2022, 286: 131876. (IF=8.943)

(16)Dan H#, Ji K#,Gao Y*, Yin W, Gao B, Yue Q. Fabrication of superhydrophobic Enteromorpha-derived carbon aerogels via NH4H2PO4 modification for multi-behavioral oil/water separation[J].Science of The Total Environment, 2022: 155869. (IF=10.753)

(17)Dan H, Song Y, Xu Y,Gao Y*, Kong W, Huang Y, Yue Q, Gao B. Green synthesis of Cu nanoparticles supported on straw-graphene composite for catalytic reduction of p-nitrophenol[J].Journal of Cleaner Production,2021, 283: 124578. (IF=11.072)

(18)Zhang S,Gao Y*, Dan H, Xu X, Yue Q, Yan J, Wang W, Gao B. Effect of washing conditions on adsorptive properties of mesoporous silica carbon composites by in-situ carbothermal treatment[J].Science of The Total Environment, 2020, 716: 136770. (IF=10.753)



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